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When you picture a used-car dealership, odds are you don’t picture sleek architecture and a modern design. If anything, you picture the opposite. And Prince Motors has lived in both worlds.

In the cutthroat used-car selling business, any advantage is a good one to have. And Prince Motors decided that a remarkable space could be one of theirs. Their goal became to create a space that reflected their commitment to service and the character of their people. Something with longevity and legitimacy that Dwight and Elizabeth Prince—the original owners and parents of the sons who run the dealership today—would be proud of. And Quality Edge was proud to play a role in the process.

Recently, we sat down with Tyler and Corbin Prince of Prince Motors to learn if their goal had been reached.

The look of a building can’t sell a car by itself, but a building does say a lot about what you stand for.

Tyler and Corbin Prince, Prince Motors

What Makes Prince Motors Unique?

We have the feel of a small, family business—and that’s very intentional. We’re surrounded by huge car dealerships, where people often end up feeling like just a number. At Prince Motors, it’s more about the people than the cars.

What Drove the Design of Your New Facility?

Like any business, we just needed to pull more people into the space. The look of a building can’t sell a car by itself, but a building does say a lot about what you stand for. Our former space didn’t quite live up to our high standards, so something had to be done.

What Was the Reaction?

The wood-like exterior has been a showstopper. People would swing by just to ask about what it is and where we got it from. And lots of builders, family, and friends want to take pictures.

How Did You Land on the Quality Edge Vesta Steel Siding® Product?

We were inches away from ordering real wood, but we were worried about upkeep and maintenance. We wanted the “wow” factor of wood without all the work. Originally, our builder wanted us to look at doing TruCedar®, but we kept looking. Once we saw the Vesta Steel Siding®, it sealed the deal.

Our building now reflects all our hard work, and that feels good.

Tyler and Corbin Prince, Prince Motors

What Has Surprised You About the Impact of the New Facility?

Our team has become more productive, which has been a pleasant surprise. We went from 1,400 square feet to 7,000, giving our employees more privacy with customers. This is especially important once conversations turn financial. Also, our other facility could only have two cars inside. Here, we can do five or six at any given time.

What Message Does Your New Space Send?

“Wow” is the consistent comment we get. People just like doing business with those who are successful. It’s human nature. Our building now reflects all our hard work, and that feels good. It gives our people a boost of confidence, and it gives our customers a reason to keep coming back.


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